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We'll report any known service issues on this page, including any planned maintenance.

You can contact us via your customer portal, our contact page or via phone on 0333 773 7700.

Wholesale networks often do routine work out of hours between 11pm-6am. We recommend waiting until after 6am and if your service has stopped, then contact after that time for us to investigate further and raise a fault if required as there will be limited actions we can take during that period.

Stickied Incidents

Tuesday 3rd September 2024

Webspace and Email Hosting Hosting Issues

Following the planned works, a small number of customers are reporting issues with email.

Despite our best efforts in testing, we are seeing a common issue of passwords saved some years ago when cPanel used a different and less secure encryption method that was not documented when we referred to our migration tool.

Please raise a ticket if you see such an issue, or any other error and we can assist with those.

We apologies for any impact this changed has caused you.

We are closing this issue now as the core issues reported have been resolved.

For the certificates, we have requested higher rate limits with LetsEncrypt but will sign as many each day until we can complete all hostnames. For the moment, please continue using alternative hostnames if required.

We will be in touch in the future once it is possible for all customers, to switch back to mail.hostname. Some customers can already do this but we advise to wait until advise further.

Whilst the impact was limited to a small number of customers, we apologise to those that were affected.

For customers wishing to login to their new control panel.

You can now do this at

Please request a password reminder, the email address is the same as your My uno portal login. A reset link will be sent to you to click on where you can set your own password.

Further work is still ongoing in regard to certificates and we will have further updates on that soon.

Our engineers have reviewed what options there are to work around the Let's Encrypt rate limit for certificate issuance. Unfortunately, there is no alternative to speed that process up.

For the moment, if you are seeing a certificate error and your client or device does not allow you to trust this, we recommend using the original server name from your welcome email, it will be in the format of [servername] If you do not have this any longer, please contact support. Longer term, reverting to mail.[hostname] will be possible.

We have reset the majority of customers who have contacted us regarding passwords. This is quickly resolved by our team at this time. If you are having authentication issues, please get in touch and either ask for a new password for your mailbox(es), or if you would like to continue using the same password, please provide this and our team can set that for you. For any passwords provided they will be removed/destroyed from the ticket once set and encrypted.

A secondary issue identified is insecure/non-trusted hostname.

Customers are able to use mail.[hostname] to access the service via IMAP/POP/SMTP. Each hostname requires a unique certificate and we do this using Let's Encrypt. Unfortunately, we've hit a rate limit and cannot request more certificates for the moment.

Accepting this warning still means the client to server communications are encrypted and does not impact security in anyway.

Those customers using the legacy hostnames of [servername] will not be seeing any errors and can continue doing so for the moment.

Our engineers are reviewing what other options there are outside of warning for the rate limit to be removed.

The main issue we are seeing is mailbox passwords and these fall in to two categories.

1 - Passwords set a long time ago using a less secure and now undocumented encryption method that did not follow the most recent (by several years) way of doing so which means when we copied the hashes across, the correct format worked and the old format just fail.

2 - Less secure passwords (usually short, or lack of numbers, upper/lower case and special characters fail.

In both cases, we can set an existing or new password as required. All passwords are removed from the clear text record once used, please raise a ticket if you are seeing authentication issues.

The control panel will be re-added to the portal in due course where this can be actioned yourself.

Webmail can be accessed currently at as needed and if you get an error logging in, one of the above may be the cause so please do get in touch.

We apologise to the small amount of customers who are affected by this, despite extensive testing, the issues seen today were unexpected and we will review this once all customers are working normally.

Past Incidents